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Importing property values

Importing property values updates documents in Project Portal from data stored in an Excel spreadsheet. Which properties are updated and how they are updated are specified in a mapping template as described in Creating and editing mapping templates.

Before you begin

The Excel spreadsheet that contains the values to import must already exist. Project Portal 2015 supports files in Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format. Only the first worksheet will be imported. Column names may appear in the first row of the spreadsheet. You can select the first data row with the First data row in Excel option described below. Only the first 1000 rows will be imported. Formulas are not evaluated prior to import.

To import property values:

  1. On the property page of the highest-level folder (subfolders will be updated recursively) that contains the documents that you want to update, in the ribbon, in the Folder group, click Mass update. A page showing the import options appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Property value import options
Option Description

Excel table for update

Click Browse and select the Excel file from which to import property values.


Select a mapping template from the list that specifies to which properties the Excel data will be imported and how it will be imported.

  1. Click Preview update.

If there are rows in the Excel spreadsheet that specify documents that cannot be found in the selected folder, a page appears that lists the missing documents.

If all documents listed in the Excel spreadsheet are found, a page appears that shows the properties that are specified in the mapping template, the current values of the documents to be updated, and the values that will be changed in red text.

Note    The documents are locked against editing until the import is either canceled or completes.

  1. To type values manually for the properties that will be updated, click Edit fields. A page appears that lists the ID of each document to be updated and provides text boxes for each property to be updated.

Note    Each value of a multi-value property is shown on its own line. Multi-value properties that show standard value lists (also known as drop-down fields) cannot be edited by the Mass Update add-on and are indicated as Not editable.

  1. Type new values into the text boxes that correspond to the properties that you want to update. Empty text boxes will not update the current property values.
  2. Click Preview edited fields. The page showing the updates that will be performed reappears with your changes shown in red text.
  1. To proceed with the import, click Confirm edited fields. A page appears that shows the documents that were updated and the updated property values.
  2. To change the status of the same documents, click Change statuses and proceed as described in Changing the current status. To return to the Clipboard contents view, click View clipboard.

Related concepts

About importing properties from Excel

Working with the Clipboard

Related tasks

Creating and editing mapping templates

Exporting property values

Changing the properties of items on the Clipboard

Resolving common problems with Mass Update